Hockey 2018 – Time to begin!

Hopefully everyone has had a great break this off season (I know I did!). Break is over, time to hit the pitch and hit it hard! Just 10 weeks until round one!

With Easter and Labour Day coming up, it’ll sneak up on us all and be here before we know it!
Make an effort to get down to the pitch from this coming Tuesday the 6th February

Training times:
Tuesday’s 8:30pm – 9:30pm (Arrive 7:50 for a pre-pitch run around the block commencing @ 8:00)
Thursday’s 7:00pm – 8:30pm (Arrive 6:45 so you’re all warmed up ready to hit the ground @ 7:00)

Let’s make this THE YEAR!
We need to give it everything, get some teams into the finals, leaving nothing in the tank.
This year we need to get through the season, do ourselves proud, be able to hold our heads high and say to ourselves “We did our best, we have no regrets”.


#goknox #outwecometoplay #noexcuses

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